Mike Whittingham
Deputy Head of Haywood Academy,
Stoke on Trent.
Haywood Academy was just staring out on its venture of setting a sixth form section to the school in May 2014, when I was invited to join the Coffee lounge Business evening. We were looking to work with the Business community to develop our bespoke Work Based Learning Programme which involved our students doing considerable work experience placements. From this first initial meeting we have been able to make Business contacts which has enabled us to flourish. We have now over 430 Businesses on our data base and this has all started from the connections we made at that event. The events occur monthly which has enabled me to keep businesses up to date with our plans and create new business links. It has been a pleasure to be part of this journey with you thank you for your support.
Carl Barlow
Co-Director of Digital Eyes Media.
Stoke on Trent.
Glenn James
Stoke on Trent.
One of the most inspiring nights I can remember professionally: Angela James and I went along to meet everyone and to hear Benedict McManus speaking about the Wavemaker project, and it was just enthralling. We met a lot of really cool people at this business networking meeting, made some ace connections and met some good new friends. We will defiantly be going to the next one, and it has been massively inspiring. We have just talked all day ever-since, and they could not have made us more welcome. Great new friends, excellent food, and a really top notch speaker, well done guys!